Creating New Bridges to Primary Health Care


Thank you for your participation in our service co-design and consultation sessions aimed at improving primary care services for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness in western Victoria.

Western Victoria Primary Health Network (WVPHN) is grateful for your valuable insights and collaboration in shaping future primary care services to address the needs of this vulnerable population.

Following the completion of our co-design and consultation sessions, we have distributed analysis reports summarising the findings and recommendations derived from your input.

Moving forward, the next stage of the project will involve market sounding and commissioning activities. We will soon reach out to invite your participation in these sessions, where we will introduce and discuss proposed designed service model. Your feedback will be crucial in shaping future models of care to meet the service needs of individuals experiencing homelessness in western Victoria.

We appreciate your continued engagement and look forward to your participation in the upcoming market sounding sessions.

To stay updated on the future sessions, please feel free to email us.

Thank you for your ongoing support an interest in working with us to improve the health outcomes for people experiencing homelessness.


Thank you for your participation in our service co-design and consultation sessions aimed at improving primary care services for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness in western Victoria.

Western Victoria Primary Health Network (WVPHN) is grateful for your valuable insights and collaboration in shaping future primary care services to address the needs of this vulnerable population.

Following the completion of our co-design and consultation sessions, we have distributed analysis reports summarising the findings and recommendations derived from your input.

Moving forward, the next stage of the project will involve market sounding and commissioning activities. We will soon reach out to invite your participation in these sessions, where we will introduce and discuss proposed designed service model. Your feedback will be crucial in shaping future models of care to meet the service needs of individuals experiencing homelessness in western Victoria.

We appreciate your continued engagement and look forward to your participation in the upcoming market sounding sessions.

To stay updated on the future sessions, please feel free to email us.

Thank you for your ongoing support an interest in working with us to improve the health outcomes for people experiencing homelessness.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Help shape primary care services that support people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in western Victoria. We will run two session across our region: 1) Geelong Otway & Ballarat Goldfields; 2) Wimmera Grampians & Great South Coast), please register to the region that best represents you. 

    The Learn Session center around gathering insights from you and your experiences. 

    We really want to better understand: 

    1. Specific service needs
    2. Barriers and challenges in delivering healthcare to those experiencing homelessness.
    3. Identify what's currently working effectively and why.
    4. Explore potential ways to collaborate with WVPHN.

    Register Here
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Help shape primary care services that support people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in western Victoria. We will run two session across our region: 1) Geelong Otway & Ballarat Goldfields; 2) Wimmera Grampians & Great South Coast), please register to the region that best represents you. 

    The Design Sessions are dedicated to envisioning accessible homelessness services in primary care.

    We'll dive into what this would look like in action, including opportunities for services to develop linkages and collaboration. 

    Register Here
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are committed to ensuring that every member of our community has a platform to express their opinions, particularly in the crucial task of designing a service model to address the needs of individuals experiencing homelessness or those at risk.

    To facilitate your input, we've crafted an open-ended survey. Your participation should not exceed 10 minutes, depending on the level of detail in your responses.


    Take Survey
Page last updated: 12 Mar 2024, 11:25 AM